Monday, October 31, 2011

How to Restart the Rinnai Main Controller

If you own a Rinnai hot water system complete with a secondary recirculation pump, you may come across times when you need to reset the unit via the main controller. For example, if you need to turn off the hot water to complete maintenance on your heating system, you need to restart the heater to start the heating process again. The process for restarting your Rinnai main controller is not difficult to complete.

Difficulty:Moderately Easy1

Turn off all hot water faucets in the building.


Turn off the power to the secondary pump via the breaker panel. If the hot water heater and pump are connected to the same breaker, turn off the water shutoff valve that feeds the secondary pump.


Turn on the water heater at the main remote control by pressing the “on/off” button.


Select the desired water temperature on the main control.


Open the shutoff valve on the secondary pump or turn on the breaker for the secondary pump to complete the reset.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shipping Container Home Design & Construction

This 200 illustrated manual page and the CAD software included will teach you how to design and build your own shipping container homes. Hot world market for green building and sustainable housing so the Diy market!

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Do It Yourself Credit Repair E-Book

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The Best Diy Credit Repair Ebook. No Fluff High Converting squeeze page !! Your customers are not Stupid. Sell them something that actually works!! Make 60% Commissions. That's over $30 for each sale. Complete Affiliate support including banner ads.

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Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Connect Crocheted Blocks

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Connecting crocheted blocks requires the use of a darning needle. Connect crocheted blocks with help from the President of the Denver Crochet Guild in this free video clip.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Proper Ventilation for an Attic

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Proper Ventilation for an Atticthumbnail Gable vents are necessary to properly ventilate your attic. Air leaks and improper ventilation in your attic can cost you money each month and make the temperature in your home uncomfortable and difficult to regulate. Properly venting the attic also extends the life of your roof shingles and keeps ice from forming on the roof. Installing the proper ventilation in your attic and keeping soffit vents free from debris is key to reducing energy costs each month.

Proper attic ventilation allows a natural flow of air to move through the room. While attics must have insulation for warmth, keeping a flow of cold air through the room in the winter reduces the risk of ice damming on the roof. In the warm months of summer, attic ventilation serves to push warm air out of the room, reducing the moisture that can damage shingles or cause mold to grow.

Insulation is an important part of attic ventilation. Laying rolls of fiberglass insulation is easiest for most homeowners. Begin laying insulation from the perimeter and work toward the attic opening. Avoid placing insulation over soffit vents or light fixtures. Do not place fiberglass insulation near lights; keep it at least 3 inches away to avoid the risk of fire. Installing insulation baffles or rafter vents is recommended when covering your attic in insulation. These vents help move air outside and should be attached to the roof decking.

Attic fans were designed to keep attics cool in the summer by bringing in cooler air from outside the attic. According to the United States Department of Energy (DOE), it is important to check your soffit vents for blockages. If your soffit vents are blocked, attic fans will pull air from inside the home to cool your attic, which will increase the amount of energy you use during the summer. It will also increase wear and tear on your air conditioning unit.

Sealing all air leaks inside your home is a must to keep your attic properly ventilated. Examine your attic for holes and seal them with caulk. Spray foam is also available for sealing air leaks in your attic. Use duct sealant to seal all exposed ducts in your attic. The DOE recommends that homeowners install ducts in garages and attics to increase ventilation, making the house more energy efficient.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ideas for Driveways With an Incline

Gardening & Plants Landscaping Interior Design Home Improvement
Ideas for Driveways With an Inclinethumbnail Enhance the look of a dull driveway. Although they are frequently neglected when it comes to decorating, driveways are often the first part of your home your guests will see. Therefore, it is an opportunity to make a good first impression. While driveways are largely functional, they can also be ornamental. If your driveway is situated along an incline, there are many ways to enhance the look of this feature. Regardless of your budget, you can find a decorating option that will wow your visitors.

A dull gray, concrete driveway can be enhanced with brick or stone pavers. Install the pavers on your own along the surface of the driveway, as well as along sidewalks and paved pathways to and around your home. This not only makes the driveway more noticeable and pleasing to the eye, it will often increase the property value of your home. Before you begin, prepare the surface by power washing to remove dirt, oil and algae from the driveway's surface. A concrete base is always recommended when paving a driveway on a slope.

Landscaping with ornamental grasses and plants will enhance the look of your driveway and create a welcoming atmosphere. Line the incline of the driveway, and move out toward the yard to make the space look full. Along with plants, place decorative lanterns in the soil along the length of the driveway. This will make the area visible for you and your guests as they drive up onto the property at night, while creating a special ambiance at the same time.

To make your driveway stand out from the rest of the block, paint or stain it to match your home. Although it requires special paint, concrete can absorb paints and stains easily. You can also pour new concrete that has colored specks in the stone that become more visible when water is added. To showcase the incline of the driveway, consider painting it to create a gradient-like effect. Start by painting a lighter color at the area closes to the home, and move down the slope gradually with darker colors.

Because your driveway is designed on an incline, rainwater will run down the length of the driveway and into the street or gutters during a heavy rain or whenever you irrigate your property. To keep this rainwater from damaging your landscaping, especially along the bottom of the driveway, use mulch, gravel or thick shrubs to keep the water from washing soil down and damaging your landscape. At the foot of the driveway, plant grasses and plants that can withstand occasionally waterlogged roots, such as tropical plants that are used to rain.

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images;

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What if Workman's Comp Is Denied in Georgia?

Georgia law requires workers' compensation coverage for employers with three or more employees. Most employers -- except for sole proprietors and partners -- are required to purchase insurance for their employees. Employers are required to pay for their injured employees' medical benefits, as long as they are reasonably necessary for their recovery, as certified by their physicians. Employers are also required to pay for their employees' lost wages if they are unable to work or can no longer perform the same type of work after their injuries.

Georgia law requires injured employees to report their job-related injuries to their employers within 30 days of sustaining their injuries. However, employees who develop latent occupational illnesses may have more than 30 days to report their injuries after first developing symptoms of their diseases. Georgia law also requires employers to post information about their chosen medical providers and post toll-free numbers, which their employees should be able to call 24 hours per day. Employers are generally required to post a listing of at least six selected physicians authorized to provide medical treatment.

The Georgia workers' compensation law requires employers to pay for direct medical treatments and physicians' fees if their employees suffer job-related or on-the-job injuries, regardless of fault. The Georgia State Workers' Compensation Board is responsible for administering the workers' compensation law, and the board can impose fines of up to $10,000 against noncompliant employers, insurance carriers and doctors. Although the Georgia workers' compensation law requires employers to pay for necessary medical treatment for their employees' injuries if they were job-related, the law does not require employers to pay for injuries sustained by employees because of their own gross neglect or serious misconduct.

Georgia law requires employers to file first report of injury claims within 21 days of receiving knowledge of employees' injuries if the injured employees are unable to work for more than seven days. Employers are required to pay job-loss benefits after seven days and within 21 days of receiving knowledge of the injury. Employers can be required to pay 15 percent penalties in addition to wage replacement benefits if they do not pay their benefits within 21 days. Because of the potentially large penalties, employers must immediately request a hearing to deny employees' wage loss benefits.

Employees have a one-year statute of limitations to file a claim with the Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation using Form WC-14. Form WC-14 is the Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation Request for Hearing/Request for Mediation and Notice of Claim Form. After the board receives the form, it will set a hearing or mediation in front of an administrative law judge. Although employees can retain attorneys to represent them during their hearings, they are not required to do so. Furthermore, Georgia law caps the amount that attorneys can charge their clients for their workers' compensation hearings. If an attorney charges more than $100, the Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation must approve the attorney's fee, and it does not allow attorneys to charge more than 25 percent of a weekly benefit award.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Troubleshoot a Temperature Problem in a Kenmore Electric Convection Oven

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The appearance and texture of food cooked in an oven can at times be a better indicator than an oven thermometer of how well food is prepared, so it's important to ensure your oven is regulating temperature properly. If your Kenmore electric convection oven is too hot or not hot enough, calibrating its temperature may improve performance, which can improve cooking speeds. Troubleshooting and calibrating oven temperature takes minutes to complete.


Select the right controls and settings for the type of cooking you want to perform, and then then adjust the temperature accordingly. Use the right utensils for the meal you're preparing.


Preheat the oven when the recipe calls for it. If the oven isn't preheated long enough, it won't bake food properly.


Calibrate your oven's temperature if the oven temperature seems inaccurate. Press and hold the "HOUR UP" and "HOUR DOWN" arrow pads until the display shows a two-digit number.


Press and hold the "HOUR UP" arrow pad to increase temperature up to +35 degrees Fahrenheit, or press the "HOUR DOWN" pad to decrease the temperature down to -35 degrees Fahrenheit depending on whether your food is undercooked or overcooked. Once entered, these settings will remain in effect until a new temperature is selected.

Calibrating the oven temperature may vary slightly. with different Kenmore electric convection oven models, so refer to your appliance's documentation.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to check the power steering fluid on a 1998 E220

A version of the Pope "Mobile" was based on the Mercedes ML320. The Mercedes ML320 is a mid-size SUV that was introduced in 1998. The 1998 E220 was equipped with a 3.2-liter V-6 producing 215 horsepower and 229 lb of torque. The pre-production unit E220 were used in the film "the lost world: Jurassic Park." Power steering the 1998 E220 is an assembly that uses both hydro-pressure hydraulic and mechanical gears. The fluid filling the 1998 E220 takes a matter of minutes to complete. Do not overfill the E220 steering fluid tank to avoid losses or line breaks.FIX: Easy1 pint of power steering fluid1 2

Positioned above the belt. Open the power steering fluid reservoir, located just above the power steering pump. The lid of the tank is a picture of a wheel on it.


Read the rod attached to the lid of the tank. Add power steering fluid in small portions, until the liquid is the brand name "Full" on the stick. Recheck the auction the power steering tank lid.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

What Is More Efficient, Top or Bottom Freezer?

What Is More Efficient, Top or Bottom Freezer?thumbnail Side-by-side styles of refrigerators are popular, but they consume more energy. When selecting a new refrigerator, owners may be so concerned about cost, color and design that they forget about energy consumption. But some types, such as refrigerators with their freezer portions at the top or bottom of the standing unit, are the most energy efficient. Refrigerators with freezers on the top are more energy efficient than bottom-freezer models, according to the federal government's Energy Star program, which notes that both are better at saving energy than side-by-side refrigerator-freezer models.

The California Energy Commission reports that bottom freezer refrigerators are more energy efficient than traditional top-freezer models but doesn't say why. Other sources, including the federal EnergyStar program, maintain that refrigerators with freezers on top have the energy edge.

Energy Star compared top-mount, bottom-mount and side-mount freezer models, all without through-the-door ice dispensers in 2008, information that it updated in 2010. It noted that top-mount models on average used 472 kilowatt hours of electricity per year, bottom-mount models used 551 kWh and side-by-sides used nearly 606 kWh.

Refrigerator-freezer combos are connected, insulated boxes that are cooled by a refrigerant, which is compressed from warm gas to cool liquid and back again as it is pumped through coils on the back of the appliance. The heat produced by this process transfers to the coils and releases into the kitchen air behind the fridge or at the bottom of it. Fans channel cold air from freezer to refrigerator through ducts and back to the freezer for cooling.

Refrigerators with top-mounted freezers need less help from fans to move cold air from freezer to refrigerator, the Choice website says, because cold air falls. It adds that bottom freezers are located next to the refrigerator's compressor, which produces lots of heat, so more energy is needed to keep the bottom freezer cold. A top freezer is less affected by the compressor's heat.

Nevertheless, the California Energy Commission notes that both are more energy efficient than side-by-side models. Side-mounted freezer models have two vertical compartments. One is the refrigerator and the other is the freezer, which usually has through-the-door ice and water dispensers. The CEC says these dispensers increase a refrigerator's energy usage 14 to 20 percent. But sometimes double-door models are more convenient for consumers.

However, consumers need to consider a number of issues beyond energy use when buying a refrigerator, such as storage space and ease of use. Models with top-mount freezers typically have more storage space. Similar to bottom freezer models, their refrigerator shelves are wide enough for pizza boxes. But consumers access the refrigerator compartment more frequently than we do the freezer. Some find it awkward to stoop down to find what they need in the refrigerator, and thus they prefer refrigerators with the freezer compartments at the bottom. Others like the compromise the side-by-side arrangement allows, its dispenser features and the way its narrower doors work in smaller kitchens despite its narrower shelves.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

How to make your own collar Keyring

How to Make Your Own Necklace Keychainthumbnail Selection of beads in colors and styles, your favourite allows a custom creation. Keychain collier, to show a special key chain, or dog tag is the project of beadwork of the beginner a good. You can make a longer version for attaching a badge or a key. Use a type of beads or various; Just be sure that they will be fit through the hole or jump ring for your keyring or dog tag. Articles to create this necklace is available in shops of beadwork and crafts stores.Difficulty: moderately EasyFlexible finished (0.015 inches in diameter) wire beads (10 or 11-Earl metal or glass seed beads, 4 mm or fire-polished crystals druks) two finishing beads, beads of crimping of 6 mm round beadsTwo smooth sterling silver clasp in claw size 3 by 2 mmTwo-part of the lobster with dog tagSmall key string or chain ring or jump ring ringKey, at least 1/2 inch in diameterCrimping toolBeading wireless cuttersChain nose pliersTwo small alligator clipsBeading plateau and the towel1

Draped with a length of wire of beadwork around your neck to measure for the necklace. Add 4 inches and cut. (A long necklace is 30 inches; a short necklace, 17 to 20 inches).


Tie clip alligator 2 inches from one end of the beading wire. Work on your Council of beadwork or towel, slide a pearl finish for the alligator clip. Continue to add beads of your choice. End with finishing other beads, leaving 2 inches of wire remaining. Attach an alligator clip to this end.


Drag a Pearl of crimp on one end of the necklace. Holding the wire with pliers, remove the carefully alligator clip and slide the crimp to your heel of finishing. Drag the small, fixed eye attached to the clasp of claw lobster on the end of the wire.


Insert the end of the thread carefully in the crimp tube to form a loop to the clip. Using forceps, pull the thread through the crimp until the loop is about 1/8 inches long.


Insert wire of beadwork in the cord of finishing. If it protrudes, cut it close to the Pearl with wire cutters and pull slightly so the end of the wire is hidden within the Pearl. Use the crimping tool by positioning the crimp in the House of crimping. Tighten the closure of crimping press.


Facilitate the crimp until smooth and rounded of the crimping tool part carefully crimping. (This can be done with the chain nose clamp, which have smooth JAWS which will not bend the if are twisted shape).


Repeat these steps crimp with the other end of the necklace, looping the end of the wire through the loose ring in the lobster claw clasp. Attach a Keyring or dog tag to a ring of jumping or small keychain and slides on your collar.

A string of unique key or a dog tag appears on a short necklace.

A longer necklace can be used to hold a badge or a key.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to Measure Tiles to Cut Around a Shower Faucet

How to Measure Tiles to Cut Around a Shower Faucetthumbnail Cut tiles so the faucet can fit through them. Tiling your shower can help give it a new look. Tiling requires making visual estimates regarding measurements to make sure a specific tile will fit with the tiles around it and that it will accommodate shower and bath faucets as well as any controls. Make marks on the wall first to determine the lines on which you will install the tile. This will help the finished product look more professional and it will break up your wall into quadrants to break the work naturally into sections.

Difficulty:ModerateLevelPencilRulerMasticTile nippers1

Draw a level vertical line from in the middle of the plumbing. The plumbing will fall in a level straight line from the shower head to controls and then the faucet. Remove the faucet covers to make this easier.


Draw a level horizontal line in the middle of the wall that you plan to tile. Get the positioning by measuring the height of the wall from the lip of the top of the tub to the top of the tiled area. Divide that number in half and mark it on the wall. Draw a straight and level line.


Spread mastic on one quadrant and press tile working out from these lines.


Stop when you get to an area with a shower faucet, control or bath faucet. Because the faucets or control covers will cover some of the tile, the cuts do not need to be exact. Hold the tile up to the area so that it lines up with all of the tiles around it. Mark the area on it where it overlaps with the faucet opening.


Cut 1/4 inch from these lines so that the area you are cutting is slightly larger. This will ensure that it fits and prevent you from having to make another cut.


Cut the tile with tile nippers and press the tiles into the mastic. Repeat the process with any other tiles around shower hardware.

Always purchase extra tile in case you make the wrong cuts or if your nippers snap the tile.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to Get Hanger Pulls Out of a Sweater

How to Get Hanger Pulls Out of a Sweaterthumbnail Fold your sweater to avoid hanger marks. If you are like most people, you ignore your sweaters until it is cold enough to wear one. For months your sweaters hang in the back of your closet. Eventually you decide to pull them out and you expect them to be ready to wear like the pants and shirts hanging alongside them. You rip the sweater off the hanger and that's when you see the hanger pulls sticking up from the shoulder area. Before you panic, you should know that removing the bumps from the knitwear is simple and only takes minutes to perform.

Difficulty:Easy1 2

Put water on your fingertips and wipe the hanger bumps. Dampen the deformed area of the sweater. Do not saturate it.


Dry the sweater. Your body heat will shrink the hanger-pulled area of the sweater, but speed the shrinkage with the aid of a hair dryer. Plug in the hair dryer, turn it on and aim it at your wet sweater. Stroke the sweater to help reshape it while the hot air dries the sweater. Repeat the process on the opposite shoulder.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Feather sound absorbing wall Board Joint methods

How to Feather Sheetrock Jointsthumbnail Help joint compound expansion from feathers, sheetrock at all joints smooth keeps, invisible seams. Any Sheetrock at covering the Department entirely Panel drywall tape and joint compound combination is required. Unobtrusive and well done, joint paint; has a vertical line extending along the length of the sequence of your wall and badly run. Blur is the main difference between the two extremes are used in application technology joint compound. Feathering is thin, compounds, and seams from the one applied art, is a mix. Extend the compound until each feather, either direction, and further layers 2 feet further, see you there seams around and a very gradual increase is difficult to. Difficulty level: Moderate1

Any Sheetrock at spreading the thin layer of compound along the drywall tape cover joint fitting at all. Applying bonding material also possible first as when compounds kept please.


Compound materials with a drywall knife flat wall to hold knives draws a second time. Tape than it is composite leave any Sheetrock at all.


Tape outside edge onto tape compounds under more pressure and compounds, and knife and press. It is on the edge of creation process at the edge of the compound from the center of the tape always thinning creates the edge.


Use the same process on both sides of drywall tape blur. With horns to soften the outer boundary of the tape, and inside the moving corner edge's.


Switch to the next big drywall knife, then repeat together composite applications. Soften the tapered edge often jointly from approximately 1 maintains that applying compound blur each edge until the 1 / 2 to 2 feet,.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

What Are Two Traits of Conifers?

What Are Two Traits of Conifers?thumbnail The bald cypress is a deciduous conifer. Coniferous trees, also known as gymnosperms, grow almost worldwide, from the subarctic and subantarctic to the subtropics, in regions as different as Alaska's boreal forest to the Hawaiian islands to the swamps of Louisiana. The conifer family contains both the tallest plants -- coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) -- and the oldest plants -- bristlecone pines (Pinus longavea) -- which live for up to 5,000 years. Though the 50 genera of conifers include over 500 species and represent a diversity of characteristics, all conifers share certain traits.

Perhaps the most obvious common trait among coniferous is the one for which they are named: cone production. Unlike most other vascular plants, coniferous do not produce flowers to hold their pollen and/or seeds; the term "gymnosperm" means "naked seed." Rather, they produce cone-like structures that protect both seeds and pollen. Cones, which are actually modified leaves, contain a leaf bract and a shortened stem or scale, which together are called a bract scale complex or sporophyll. Fertilization and reproduction take place within the sporophylls, resulting in the production of conifer embryos inside of seeds, which are often coated with a thin, papery substance that aids in seed dispersal.

Cones grow in a range of sizes, shapes and colors, but they share some common characteristics. Most consist of hard, woody scales -- or in the case of junipers and yews, fleshy scales -- tightly clustered together to form a protective shield over the developing seeds. Conifers produce female and male cones, usually on the same tree or shrub. Yews and junipers are again the exception to this rule; these plants grow either male or female cones. Male cones are generally small, inconspicuous and fall from the plant as soon as they release their pollen. In contrast, female cones grow much larger and stay on the tree for several months or even years after the pollination process is complete. The largest cones in the world include those from the bunya-bunya tree (Araucaria bidwillii), which weigh up to 10 lbs., and the coulter or big-cone pine (Pinus coulteri), which weigh up to 8 lbs.

Another common coniferous trait is that of narrowleaved, as opposed to broadleaved, foliage. In fact, the best way to identify a coniferous tree is through its leaves, according to the American Conifer Society and Colorado State University Extension. Coniferous foliage grows in one of three general leaf structures: needle-like, scale- or awl-shaped, and flat and feathery. Most members of the Pinaceae family, which includes conifers such as pines (Pinus spp.), spruce (Picea spp.), fir (Abies spp.), larch (Larix spp.) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) have needle-like foliage. Needles grow singly, like those on firs and spruce; in clusters from the same node, like those of larch trees; or in bundles of two to five, like those of pines. Scale- or awl-shaped leaves usually lie flat or close to the stem and often overlap. This type of foliage is found on species such as junipers and arborvitae. Flat, feathery foliage tends to grow in a linear shape and are found on species such as yew.

Though evergreens, or plants that keep their foliage year-round, are closely associated with conifers, a few coniferous species are deciduous. These include ornamental genera such as the larch, cypress (Taxodium spp.) and dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). While these trees share coniferous traits, their foliage turns yellow to red in fall and then drops.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to Mount an Air Conditioner in a Casement Window

Casement windows slide from side to side instead of up and down like most windows. Because of this, when you decide to install a window air conditioner, you must install a vertical air conditioner so it will fit in the casement window framing. The process for installing a vertical air conditioner is somewhat more laborious than a standard window air conditioner, because you must install supports to handle the weight of the air conditioner.

Difficulty:Moderately EasyWrench setDrillDill bit setBubble levelTape measureHandsawFile1

Attach the supplied support brace to the platform with the supplied hex nut and adjustment bolt, using a wrench. You will see several mounting holes on the platform drilled in a row. Select a hole that allows the end of the platform that will rest the furthest away from the window to be positioned 3/16 inch lower than the part of the platform closest to the window.


Slide the window open as far as it will go, and then locate the center of the opening. Place the platform over the center of the window opening, and rest it on the window track. Drill pilot holes through each of the mounting holes located on the platform with a 9/16-inch drill bit. Place the platform off to the side.


Peel the backing off the track seal, and then place the seal on top of the window track. This keeps moisture out.


Place the platform in place on the window, and secure it with the supplied screws and a screwdriver. Make sure the platform is level from side to side with a bubble level before attaching the screws.


Measure the height of the window opening, and then subtract the height of the air conditioner. Cut the plastic window panel to that measurement with a handsaw. Use a file to remove any burrs left from cutting.


Slide the plastic panel into the panel frame, and then use a screwdriver to attach the panel frame to the top of the air conditioner with the supplied screws.


Cut the side channel seals to equal lengths with a utility knife. Remove the protective backing, and then place the seals onto the sides of the air conditioner. Roll the excess seal around to the bottom edge of the air conditioner.


Remove the front panel from the air conditioner. This process will vary slightly depending on the brand you purchased.


Lift the air conditioner into the window, and center the mounting holes on the bottom of the air conditioner with the mounting holes on the platform. Secure the air conditioner to the platform with the supplied screws.


Place the safety bracket onto the lip on the front of the air conditioner, and then secure the safety bracket to the platform with the supplied screws.


Place the cover back onto the air conditioner.

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

How to add a texture drywall primer

How to Add Primer to Textured Drywallthumbnail To evenly apply the primer dry wall is using a paint roller. Primer adds paint finish drywall texture, professional new. You can paint adheres to primer coat of drywall, or even equally stucco surface. Primer applies very well to latex paint. After the run selected in 2, 3 coats of latex paint primer coat, dry, color. [Brush1 difficulty: ModerateDamp ragTarps-and-drop clothsPrimerPaint trayRough nap rollerAngled brushOld tip]

Examine the drywall. Drywall texture look for dust or chalk area. These areas will wipe with a damp cloth.


Cover the floor with tarp or drop cloth. Wrinkled pull the cover firmly prevent accidental tripping protection.


Pour into the primer paint tray. Rough nap roller loading drywall texture primers initiates roles. When deploying a primer under heavy pressure to not apply. Use the vertical line. Up to of covered except for the outer edge of the entire surface of the wall.


Primer brush cannot reach primer wall boundary. Beveled brush the glide tip of the brush along the edge of the boundary soon. Gently and dip primer old chip brush for the entire wall to ensure that is covered with primer paint crevices to either hard.


Stand near the wall once quite dry. Take a look at the diagonal display whether or not dull area or chalk wall. Brush a primer in a boring display area.

Primer uses a slight shade of color. For example, can be seen or miss any area during the application process, so ivory color primer used instead of white.

Always open windows, fans for primer coating on your walls and turn. Some primers intense gas. Breathing any kind of paint fumes can can be dangerous to your health. Frequently take fresh air breaks.

"Secret Brian Santos wall Wizard faux finish"; Brian Santos; " 2006, Dry: Pro Tips hanging and finishing "; John Wagner; 1999 Photo credit Hemera Technologies/ image; read the following:

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Friday, October 14, 2011

How to Install an IKEA Farmhouse Sink

An IKEA farmhouse sink is a large ceramic sink with a deep basin suitable for washing large items. Given the extra deep basin, the sink usually requires the removal or modification of the kitchen cabinet front. You can purchase a single basin or a double basin IKEA farmhouse sink. Although a double basin sink has two drains, the installation is not much different. However, if you did purchase the double basin sink, purchase a double basin plumbing kit instead of a single basin plumbing kit. This will ensure you have enough hardware to install the plumbing for both sinks.

Difficulty:Moderately EasyCardboardUtility knifePainter's tapeMarkerSaber saw or reciprocating saw1-by-1-inch pine boardsWood screwsWood fileScrewdriverShimsSilicone caulkPlumber's puttySink strainerPipe wrenchMoist ragPlumbing kit, which includes a downpipe and trap1

Place the farmhouse sink face down on a piece of cardboard and trace the front of the sink onto the cardboard. Cut the cardboard out with a sharp utility knife. This gives you a template.


Tape the template onto the face of the cabinet with painter's tape where you plan to install the sink. Place the top edge of the template flush with the top edge of the countertop. Trace the template onto the front of the cabinet with a marker. Discard the template.


Cut along the traced lines of the cabinet with a saber saw or reciprocating saw. Discard the unwanted section of cabinetry.


Cut two pieces 1-by-1-inch piece of pine to the length of the opening you cut into the cabinet with the saber saw or reciprocating saw.


Secure the first pine board inside the cabinet along the inside edge of the opening. Secure the second piece of pine along the back wall of the cabinet at the same height. This will add extra support for the additional height of the sink. Secure the boards to the cabinet with wood screws and a screwdriver.


Place the sink into the opening. Place a level on top. If necessary, use a wood file to remove additional wood to allow for proper placement. In addition, if necessary, wedge shim under the supports.


Secure the underside of the sink to the cabinet with the supplied brackets and screws.


Place a bead of silicone caulk around the top edge and front edges of the sink.


Place a bead of plumber's putty around the hole in the sink basin and then secure the sink strainer to the sink basin with a pipe wrench. Wipe up excess putty with a moist rag. If your sink has two basins, repeat the process with the second basin.


Attach the S-trap to the drain extending up through the floor. Slide the downpipe extension into the S-trap. If you have a double-sink. Position the hole in the side of the extension pipe towards the other basin. Tighten the downpipe extension and the S-trap's compression nuts with your hand. If you have a double sink. Attach the elbow to the second downpipe and then attach the elbow extension to the elbow and to the hole in the first downpipe extension. Tighten the compression nuts with your hand.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Test fixture projects electronics DIY

DIY Electronic Test Fixture Projectsthumbnail Test devices such as the walls of sockets with a multimeter. Repair of electrical equipment are better by a qualified electrician, as your domestic electricity supply can be dangerous. However, you can make a project to test fixtures with electronic multimeter. Multimeters, as its name indicates, test various components of the electricity in your home, such as the voltage and amps, allowing you to be more specific on problems if you need to call an electrician. It could also potentially save you, because the electrician did not need to work as diagnostic.Difficulty: ModerateRubber glovesScrewdriverMultimeter1

Identify the lighting you want to test. You can have the wall outlet that does not work correctly, or perhaps a light fitting or switch. All of these devices can be tested using an electronic multimeter.


Donning a pair of lightweight rubber gloves before testing lighting. This prevents you from get an electric shock if you touch a hot wire, as you have electricity for test fixtures.


Turn on the multimeter. Set it to measure voltage using the dial or buttons on the front of the counter. Ensure that you set the voltage on the meter of 120 volts, as this is the voltage of power supply in your home.


Insert the metal component at the end of the black wire of counter in the top hole in the wall socket; It is the connection to the ground.


Insert the metal component at the end of the thread in the lower left hole in the wall socket. It's the hot or direct connection.


Read the voltage displayed at the counter. He reads between 110 to 120 volts, if the wiring to the outlet works, which means it is not a problem with the fixture. If there is a reading, there is a problem with the cabling or a fault in the outlet, it is good idea to call an electrician.


Test the other wall jacks you have identified that may have a problem. Use the same method as before.


Remove the screws holding the switch in place cover with a screwdriver. Carefully pull the switch to you cover slightly so you can access the terminals of the switch.


Look at the terminals at the rear of the switch. The number of terminals depends on the type of circuit that the switch is connected. A switch that operates a single light has two terminals: an a a live black and is always hot, and the other is the brass and is hot when the switch is enabled. A switch that operates more than a light, or that is connected to a switch, has three terminals. Terminal screw is black, and the other two are brass. The black terminal is always hot, and the other two alternate according to what position the switch is set to.


Place the black part of the metal casing component, as it is ground. Bring the red part on the black terminal. Read the meter. It reads of 110 to 120 volts, if electricity is in place for the switch. If there is a reading, it is a fault in the wiring, so that you have an electrician.


Place the red component on terminal two brass screws. If there are two terminals choose one; Whatever one select it. Read the meter. If there is a reading, then the electricity is to obtain the fine switch. If it is not a reading, move the switch to the other position. The counter displays the voltage if the switch works correctly. If it does not have a reading, you replace the switch.


Repeat the process with the red on the other terminal pane, if the switch has more than one brass screw. Read the counter as before. If there is a reading, the switch is completed. If there are steps, and then move the switch to the other position and replay counter. If still there is not a reading, replace the switch. Replace the switch cover after you've tested the switch.


Turn on the light to check if it works. If this is the case, then it is not necessary to test further. If this is not, and then disable the switch.


Remove the bulb and put in a new. Turn on the switch again. If this works, then all is well. If this is not, then leave the switch in position "on". Remove the bulb of the attachment again.


Remove the cover of the fixture, so you can access these two terminals. Unscrew the lid with the fingers or use a screwdriver to remove the screw cover in place and then delete.


Look at the two cables connected to the terminals. One is black and hot when wireless switch is enabled. The other is white or grey, and the neutral wire that completes the circuit. Place the black pane on a metal part of the lighting unit. Place the red component on the connected terminal black wire.


Read the meter. If you get a reading, electricity is the light switch, the switch has a fault and needs replacing. If it reads zero, he y a fault in the wiring between the switch and light fixtures, you must have checked by an electrician.

If you are just unsure on lighting tests, call an electrician.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to Create a Deskbar

In Windows computers, users have the ability to enable toolbars on the taskbar. One of the most commonly enabled toolbars is the "Deskbar," or "Desktop Toolbar," which gives users quick access to all the folders and sub-folders in the desktop folder. Creating a deskbar on your computer is accomplished directly from the taskbar itself. Once created, the deskbar will make accessing your files less of a hassle.

Difficulty:Moderately Easy1

Right-click on a clear section of your Windows taskbar.


Select "Toolbars" from the context menu.


Click on the "Desktop" option. The deskbar will now appear on the right side of the taskbar next to the notification area.


Click on the right-pointing arrow in the deskbar to view the contents of your desktop and then click on the desired folder or file to open it.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to paint Satin on semi-gloss without sanding or priming

How to Paint Satin Over Semigloss Without Sanding or Primingthumbnail Just a single layer of paint can leave the paint on the unequal wall of research. Semigloss paint painting with both types of paint are oil or paint satin is possible, as long as the two types of latex paint and acrylic. As long as you ensure that the existing paint painting database is identical to that you will cover with, you will not need to remove the existing paint and you won't need a primer on the semi-gloss. However, using a primer will produce a more even-finished look. Instead of using a primer, wash your walls well and use a strong hand in the application of paint. If you do not use a primer, you should not need a second coat of paint. Without a primer, a second coat of paint is normal; It will be extremely difficult to get the surface uniformly covered with just a single layer.Difficulty: moderately tapeDrop cloth3-in. stiff-bristle brushPaint network ChallengingWall cleanerPainter with gridPaint and roller Tray 1

Wash your walls with your usual cleaner. Put the Ribbon of the painter around Windows and door frames. Cover your floors and furniture with drop cloths before starting.


Cut the painting on the edge of Windows, doors and corners with a rigid setae of 3 inches and a firm hand brush.


Painting in a tray on rollers and soaked the roller in the bucket, rolling over the plateau several times to saturate it fully and remove excess paint.


Drive through walls with stable, even strokes, working in a section of 6 foot square, at a time, or whatever the size of the workspace is more comfortable for you. Reapply all paint a few lines to keep the amount of paint even. Continue with tumultuous strokes below until the entire surface is covered.


Add more paint to the section, this time with features of side-by-side. This ensures that any the wall gets coated uniformly with no visible lines in it.


Finish painting the walls by traits even downward through any surface, a section at a time. This ensures the appearance even more satin paint possible.


Apply a second coat of paint by using the same technique, once the first layer of paint has dried completely.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

How to make a Patchwork sheet

How to Make a Patchwork Tablecloththumbnail A patchwork sheet is easy to do. Patchwork for centuries, a use of pieces of cloth remains to create efficient way of useful household items. Different colours, patterns and textures of fabric are cut into squares or rectangles, and then stitched together in decorative arrangements or to create items such as quilts, cushions and curtains. Today, patchwork is appreciated for its traditional residential appeal rather than its economic use of the material remains. A patchwork sheet makes it a rewarding craft with a result that practical but beautiful project.Difficulty: moderately EasyTape measureSquares fabricBacking materialSewing machineScissorsCardboardFabric pencilNeedlesThreadIronIroning board1

Measure your table before you start the cloth. Add an additional 11.5 inches on each side. This will allow you to cover the table and have a suitable drop.


Travailler work on the size of patches for the water by dividing the width of your table by four, and then repeat this process with the length. A sheet of measure 54 inches in width and 75 inches long would result in 16 plots, each measuring 13.5 offshore and 18.75 inches long. To increase the number of squares in the water and reduce their size, divide the sides by six or eight instead.


Select a variety of patterned and coloured fabric for your patchwork. Create a template patch size that you need cardboard. Place the template on the wrong side of the fabric and draw lines with a pencil of fabric.


Cut out patches. Have the on the floor of their arrangement and the boss. Try to organize colors and patterns so that they are not grouped.


Sew patches from end to end to create bands on the length of patchwork. Then assemble the lengths.Create a hem of 1/8 of an inch on the edge of the water.


Cut a piece of cloth to the size of your water finished. This will be the fabric of support


Pin the right side of mosaic and the choirs of fabric together. Sew together, leaving a seam ½ inch, until a 7 or 8 - inch opening remains. Push the equipment through the opening to the right side are exposed and the hand-sewn across the gap.


Iron finishing cloth to create a smooth and flat. Finish by machining a quarter inch of the edge seam to reinforce seams.

You can sew the strips of cloth that stains aligned vertically or horizontally or the shape of a brick. If you choose the latter method, you cut the excess fabric bands overhang.

Add a border as a further detail. Choose four bands of material in the same color or pattern as the fabric of support to add contrast to the slick. PIN and sew the patchwork surface before adding the support fabric, folding and sewing the corners to create a diagonal seam.

Use a fabric of support for create a reversible table.

When with regard to the part of tissue right off, use a needle knitting or chopsticks to push out of every corner.

Use contrasting threads when sewing on the water in the final phase to create an effect interesting.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Patterns for Christmas

Embroidery Motifs for Christmasthumbnail Simple images of Christmas to make the perfect gift for embroidery projects. If you consider any related image of Christmas or the stage, you are almost guaranteed to find a pattern of similar ground embroidery. From point of tapestry, cross of the reasons for Christmas are lovely small projects to use either your home or to gifts or personalized greetings cards.

Embroidered Christmas trees may be as simple or complex allows your skills. The shape of the tree is relatively simple and ideal pattern embroidering on the Christmas decorations, but on linen reserved for Christmas, such as sheets or towels also. Embroidery Christmas trees on napkins, first attracting design with a washable marker directly on the fabric, either by drawing freehand or using a model, as a Christmas tree stencil to the edge. Use a hoop for embroidery to hold the fabric stretched while you fill with satin stitch outline or choose the outline with a simple backstitch.

Broder greetings from Word on all kinds of clothes for Christmas. Choose thread embroidery Christmas as red or green colour and keep the simple greetings for the greatest impact. Hand write the greeting on these elements as guest towels or Christmas dish towels, then embroidery during writing with chain stitch, backstitch or a combination of both. For the long greetings which include punctuation, use full French knots stop to. Simple Christmas wish is also ideal for embroidery on the homemade greeting cards. Write the greeting on the map and use a borer pin or paper to penetrate evenly around letters. Backstitch through holes with silk embroidery.

Use of embroidery patterns of Christmas as Christmas with a difference tree ornaments. Cut the shapes of Christmas, such as trees, snowflakes or stars of felt, Christmas, then embroidery surface of the form of coloured light Christmas of silk embroidery. Broder small grounds for the Christmas tree, it is also a festive way to introduce children to the art of embroidery.

Options for reasons embroidered Christmas machine include angels, bells, strass, socks and trees. Embroidery machine is fast finish, it is useful to make gifts last minute as cushions or pictures. The theme of Christmas photo ideas include selecting a central image, such as Santa Claus and the image with embroidered holly wreath-like leaves and flowers poinsettias.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

How to install R-22

How to Install R-22thumbnail Overloading a air-conditioning system can be as bad as undercharging. Refrigerant R-22 or Freon, a chemical gas oil cooling is used to load the air-conditioning systems of families. Freon R-22 has regulatory constraints which limit the use of possession and repair HVAC license certified technicians who have experience of charging and reclaiming it. To complete the following procedure, you must have a certification to demonstrate competence in dealing with Freon R-22 and you must have a license to purchase and store it.FIX: ModerateScrewdriversSocket set and key (if applicable) AC manualPliersGlovesSafety gogglesAC operations setFreon tankThermometer1-charging indicator service

Make sure that r-22 is correct to use to load the coolant system. Charging tank must be clearly marked, identify this type of coolant. Depending on the design of AC drives, use a screwdriver or key grip and remove the cover or AC utility inspection system. You'll see two line level valve system. Remove both caps with a pair of pliers and identify the major diameter valve fitting. This will be the service or the valve part.


Connect to the service line from Freon tank valve (yellow) on the recharge gauge AC variety. Open the tank valve. Temporarily open the regulator knob red playhead to eliminate all air line, and then close it. Close both valves. Connect the AC red tube gauge for the service, then tighten the fitting with a pair of pliers. Leave the lower the gauge, or blue tube, disconnected. It cannot be used. Don gloves and safety glasses for your protection.


Go into Control Panel and set the thermostat unit AC for maximum cooling and turn it on. Return to the AC units and give a slight turn to the regulator knob red indicator (the service). Open the regulator knob on Freon tank refill. See the service manual for the correct AC operating pressure design. It will be listed in psi or pounds per square inch, as for example 50 or 60 psi. Watch the red indicator as it approaches the pressure limit.


Close the valve of the shell when the correct pressure Freon has been reached. Put your hand on the line section. It should be cold to the touch, verifies that enough Freon entered the system. Close the regulator knob red service indicator. Turn off the AC unit in the control of the thermostat inside the House. Disconnect the hose from the red line service from the service installation on the AC line, then disconnect the yellow line from Freon tank.


Install the appropriate AC drive and reinsert the screws. Tighten the screws with a screwdriver, or taken and key. Turn the thermostat up cool and let the drive to use the Freon. Use a thermometer to check the AC vent temperature cooling. This will allow you to see if it coincides with the thermostat setting and service specifications manual.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

How to repair the front brakes of a truck Chevy Venture 2002

Chevrolet introduced its first way van back in 1961. Chevy van name his Chevrolet Corvair Greenbrier 1961, as the automaker is based on the Corvair. In 1964, Chevrolet has released a new van bearing the name Chevy Van not-so-creative. In another case odd naming, Chevrolet released its first minivan bearing a name almost identical as its popular sedan-the Lumina APV. In 1997 Chevy finally got creative and released a new van, and interrupted the Lumina. The Venture 2002 came standard with a 185-horsepower engine, 3.4-litre and front disc brakes. Replacing the front brakes on the undertaking is a task that requires no special tools or training.FIX: ModerateClean basterSmall containerRatchetSocket setFloor jackJack Turkey standsMechanics wireRubber malletNew rotors (optional) couple inches wrench8 C-clampDisc grease1 supports DOT 3 brake fluid1

Unscrew the tank lid of the cylinder brake mater and cutting off nearly half of the fluid from the tank, using a Turkey baster. Transfer this fluid in a small container.


Loosen, but do not remove the lug nuts, front of the van, using a ratchet and socket or lug. Raise the front of the company, using a floor jack and slide racks under van subframe. Lower Trestles on the enterprise.


Loosen the two clamp bolts to the rear caliper, using a ratchet and socket. Pull clamp clamp bolts from--note that have a threaded section and a smooth section. Pull the caliper bracket and hang it from a nearby suspension component, using the rope of a mechanical or a crutch. Grasp the inner and outer brake pads and pull them from the caliper bracket.


Remove the two retaining bolts bracket, gauge, using a ratchet and socket and pull the caliper bracket from the Steering knuckle. Pull out the front rotor hub. If the rotor does not pull out easily, lightly tap once on the back of it with a rubber hammer to free her. Inspect the rotor for any defects, including a mirror-like shine, deep grooves or cracks. If there is no defect, replace the rotor with a new one. Set the rotor hub.


Set the front caliper bracket on Subpart steering knuckle and his two hand-threaded bolts. Tighten bolts, retaining bracket clamp in 137 LB, using a torque wrench and socket. Set new brake pads in the caliper with the metal outer wear on the pad facing up.


Set the old inner pad inside the brake caliper piston, then contact the gripper. Place a C clamp 8 inches above the clamp, so the fixed side touches the rear caliper and the lives it touches the old inner pad. Tighten the clamp c until the pill stops moving.


Set the caliper bracket clamp. Apply a generous hand of disc brake grease to smooth parts bolt clamp--you don't get any grease on the threaded part. Insert the clamp bolts in clamp and bracket and bolts of hand-wire pliers. Tighten the clamp bolts to 40 LB, using a torque wrench and socket.


Repeat steps 3 to 7 to replace the brake pads on the opposite side of the enterprise.


Install the front wheels of the van on front hubs and tighten the nuts front hand. Raise the van out racks, using a floor jack and remove the Trestles. Lowering the firm ground. Tighten the nuts in a cross pattern, 100 lb.


Press and release the brake pedal, until it feels firm. Add new brake fluid DOT 3 to the master cylinder Reservoir until the brake fluid level reaches the line "Max" on the tank. Tighten the CAP back on the tank.


Take the old brake fluid to a recycling center for used fluid disposal. Some auto parts store recycle automotive fluids for free.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

How to replace the hardwood floor stair treads.

You can get quite a bit of the use and abuse of the hardwood flooring stair treads over several years after you install the. Relatively narrow stairway width for most, so this use is typically almost intact leaving gets lumped into the center of each tread. Will be able to solve problems of repair of worn tread not; only way. Fortunately, Exchange, capable of handling most homeowners is DIY work.. difficulties: ModerateSawhorseFlat pry barScrewdriverTape measureAngle finderPencilStraightedgeCircular sawConstruction adhesiveFinish nailsHammerNail setWood puttyPutty knife1

To prevent from trying to replace the stairs nobody is going to use it from the top of the stairs and block a Sawhorse tread faces.


Running the treads with a pry bar removes the baseboard. In the location pull wall Board form nails fixed points in and Board is secured.


Check to determine the connecting stairs treads. Find the top and bottom treads for any signs of nails or screws.


Treads where emptied all screws and drivers. Pry it from the slide position to glue along the front nails and flat pry bars, tread and stair riser steps. Press create your tread with any glue, to loosen the bonds between steps back a pry bar and move to wiggle. When reach points nailed all riser tread upward from stairs to apply the pressure. Tread corners procurement corruption to avoid the nail from the nail to work upon. Off the tread and pull down from step free tread.


Measure the old tread treads of the new hardwood, size determines the need. To measure the length and width of the tread to use a tape measure to [all angle viewfinder corner at an angle may have to cut each tread safe to fit your location on the step please establish.


Transfer and measuring angle of the new hardwood. Mark the cut may have appropriate fittings to tread new pencil and ruler. Circular saw marked walk along a line that cuts. Rear tread width instead remain without cutting front tread, step by step from taking next Stair risers against loss.


Test the required additional cuts to walk in new places, and to adjust the tread for perfect fit.


Applies to the zig-zag pattern line structural adhesives in step above. Hardwood tread riser back into a safe place to press firmly along for the place on the steps. Pressed the tread in place binding bonding time for 30-second step.


Finishing nails take steps to use the nail place all corners tread. Tread surface with Flash drive, hammer, nails, and nail set point Center onto the fingernail indents. Nail sets the top stair tread under little hits the nail hammer.


As long as the small hole on fingernails and toenails can be hidden near the tread colors entered the wood PuTTY. Holes in the popular PuTTY using a small putty knife, and is along the top of the tread knife blade scraping levels off.


Repeat the replacement in the tread of each step, stair along wall baseboards to replace.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Fix a J-Trap Underneath a Kitchen Sink

How to Fix a J-Trap Underneath a Kitchen Sinkthumbnail The trap underneath your sink may need replacement due to rotting. Sink plumbing is relatively simple. The drain cover on the sink connects to a pipe leading to a trap. The P-trap, or J-trap, collects large bits of gunk and debris, preventing it from draining further into the system, which may cause clogs. The trap is the first line of defense, so it is often the first to fail. You may need to remove a J-trap if it is clogged or beginning to rot. Repairing the J-trap yourself will save you money on repairman house calls

Difficulty:Moderately Easy1

Place a bucket underneath the J-trap.


Grab the slip nut on top of the J-trap with a pair of groove joint pliers. Loosen the nut by turning counterclockwise.


Grab the second slip nut at the end of the trap and loosen.


Pull the trap off. Pour any excess water into the bucket.


Slide two new washers onto the new trap and attach the new trap to the sink with the slip nuts.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to start your own brand of shirt

How to Start Your Own Shirt Brandthumbnail Promote the shirts with the characteristics of unique design for niche markets. Successfully from your own brand of shirt can be a challenge. As a new business in a competitive industry, you need to find your niche get noticed by buyers. After you know the types of shirts, you want to sell, decide on a target database. You can, for example, to sell shirts for women, men and children - or to specialize in areas such as women s more sizes among adolescent girls. Read and watch the fashion media to stay informed on current trends in fashion and the types of shirts that your target customer wants to buy.Difficulty: moderately Challenging1

Create several models of shirt to launch your product line. To provide samples of the models that you plan. If you do not know how to sew, locate a tailor in your community to make the shirts of sample of your design. You can find people offering services of adaptation by the bias of fabric of the region and cleaning stores dry, or in the yellow pages of your community.


Join a group focused on the mode of your area or online. Give your samples to buyers of your group for review and comment. Write a survey or a checklist for reviewers. Ask reviewers to comment whether if they love your designs and how they would pay for them. Use comments to modify and improve your shirt.


Read the directories of suppliers in fashion publications or Web sites to find a manufacturer for your designs. Contact the manufacturers to ask for information on the minimum size of order, delivery time and for a quote. Compare multiple quotes from manufacturers who may deliver your order at a price you can sell to your customers for a profit.


Ask a taxpayer identification number and to decide on a business entity for your brand. Most start-ups choose to operate as a company or a company. A lawyer who specializes in small businesses, to help you decide the best structure for your business. Open the business bank account and request an account merchant processing so that you can accept the customers credit card payments.


Create a website for your business featuring your shirt. Take pictures of your merchandise and download them to the Web site. Write engaging content that clearly describes your shirts and what makes it unique. Add a shopping cart to your Web site if you plan to sell your shirts directly to customers.


Contact the shops of the region and online stores on carrying your designs if you want to distribute your shirts through other retailers. When your budget allows to attract the largest purchasers of detail for your shirts, exhibit your line at a fashion industry show. You can also attend special seminars at trade shows for the specific information of industry suppliers and trends.


Send a press release from fashion magazines and blogs announcing your new brand. Purchase of affordable advertising space on one or more fashion blogs. Communicate with your customer target through social media on a daily basis to establish the recognition of your brand name.

You can attract customers to your shirt designs by posting them on models. If you cannot afford to pay for professional models, ask friends, associates or satisfied customers to model your shirts in return for discounted or free shirts.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

How to make a Sandwich wood

How to Make a Wooden Sandwichthumbnail Make this sandwich of wood. Making a sandwich wood is a piece of cake, so to speak. You can use as a decoration in your kitchen or give to your children as a toy. Think creativity and make the sandwich, but you love. Make sandwiches with sliced bread or small breads. Create sandwiches that can be filled with burgers or ham and not forget vegetables. With just a little experience, you can make a sandwich wood on a small budget.Difficulty: moderately EasyLumberJigsawSandpaperPaints and wood 1 (optional) stainsPaintbrushesGlue

Make bread. Choose a piece of wood that suits your needs. Trace the outline of a piece of bread on the lumber. Cut the piece with a puzzle. Repeat for the other slices of bread. Achieve more detailed forms and textures with sandpaper.


Make trim. Choose wood for your needs. If a slice of cheese, use a thin piece of wood that was used for the bread. If a hamburger patty, you could a thicker piece. Draw circles on timber for toppings like tomatoes and patties. Draw squares of toppings such as cheese and sandwich meat. Cut parts with a puzzle.


Trim with paints and wood stains of colour. Experiment with different colours, brushes of different sizes and different brush strokes to get the effect of desire.


Wait for the paint dry then build your sandwich. Glue the pieces together if you want the pieces remain in the order that you have chosen. Or glue if you want to split.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

How to modify a three-quarters to bed frame bed frame

How to Change a Three-Quarter Bed Frame to Full Bed Framethumbnail With plywood, you can make a larger smaller image. An image of three-quarters mattress is a framework for single person to measure smaller diameter than a framework of complete bed can sleep two persons. Size mattress standard measure 54-inches wide and 75 inches long. You can use your framework of three-quarters of mattress and convert it into a framework capable of holding a box spring and mattress for bed size with a few basic supplies purchased at your home renovation retailer.Difficulty: moderately EasyTable sawTape measure1/4-inch diameter drilling bitHand drill1/4-inch machine screws1/4-inch boltsWrench set1

Cut a piece of plywood of 1 inch thick furniture quality with a saw to the dimensions of the mattress magnitude. Once, the standard size is 54 inches in width and 75 cm in length. However, measure your actual mattress with a tape measure first and use these measures for a specific adjustment. Plywood will be a top of basement for your bed frame.


Place the face to the plywood on the floor and then place the top of the bed on the plywood structure. Center of the frame of the bed from the top to bottom and from left to right. This evenly distribute the weight of the mattress and mattress on the framework.


Four holes pilots also spaced along the length of each rail on drilling bed frame. Drill holes while the framework of bed and plywood. Use a drill bit and drilling of 1/4 inch hand.


Place the framework of bed on his feet and then place the top of plywood on the bed frame. Align the mounting holes.


Push screws machine of 1/4 inch in diameter through holes at the top of plywood and same down if the holes in the bed of the rails framework. A nut 1/4 inch on the end of each thread bolt and then tighten the wheels with a set of key.


Place the box spring and mattress on the sheet of plywood.

Place a ruffle of dust on the sheet of plywood before you install in the spring of beds and mattresses will help hide the conversion.

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

How to replace the roof and gable roof

Replace the roof gable roofs of prefabricated trusses. Costs the Timber framing than a strong, than you can create your own easy to use. Fulcrum and back to carry the rent collected old roofs and rent, or buy a special roof removal tools, shovels, serrated blades and lifting. Get tarp to cover the roof space while you work. Remove the old roof replacement installation help--, big work, or usually require at least four workers. Difficulty: ChallengingShingle toolPrybar, BUR, hammerDumpsterTarpaulinsReciprocal delete (optional) RopesFraming Plaza and pencilExtra 2 x 4-inch Board, 2 notchedFraming nailsRidge boardHurricane clips1×2 inch prop boardsOriented Strand Board ( saw OSB deckingRoofing paperConstruction staplerMetal drip edgeShingle nailsThree tab shingles caps1

Remove the old roof. Herpes Zoster is a tool to remove the gravel, lifting the serrated edge to help on the back of shingles and strips the shovel beneath the fulcrum. Collect the right dump they hopefully from the edge of the roof. Take the oriented strand board deck plywood or prybar, crowbar, hammer, wives of rafters.


?????? roof rafters or trusses of braces remove 2 x 4 inch boards, rafters, and fasteners to ensure while on the ground became nailed bet. Rafter wall holds and pull out the nails, and delete the other fasteners rope lift them to the ground. Rafter, reciprocal saw, cut and, alternatively delete. Get the bare wall tops under the roof.


Inspect the wall CAP, corruption, or other damage. Two new-of those adjacent to the wall to tie together replace the Cap 4 became transfixed on duplication, wall plates and flawed.


Order the truss. Flat Kagen, flat ceiling, room or other space look to add a ceiling on sourcing design vaulted room styles to choose style according to a new gabled roof truss catalog. Gets the width of the right of the truss, select the slopes to fit the needs of customers and pitch, measure the width of the wall of the House. You must get the Ridge Board slots top trusses.


Wall caps uses a framing rectangle marks the location of the truss. Using a thin tongue (truss plate width marks) line of the first truss. Measure and 23 - 1 / 4 inches from the wall of a square edge width blade marks the outside edge of the second truss. Internal rows and tongue, [all locations marked truss using 24 inch mark blades and tongue; may last space is 24 inches to slightly lower.


Install once starting from behind, is one of the trusses. Who are each side of the House 2-4 with top notch to hold the trusses in place. To unlock your upright and walk to the upside, it carries location two up on the roof of the workers. Set where its truss it by 4 2, truss, ground stakes nailed became curly braces. Using level set vertically. Framing nails wall Cap with it (the same as the nails point truss style) a claw hammer the.


On the opposite side of the truss roof of the second set, props, and the perpendicular to it. Set between the Ridge Board edge truss and the level to level. If one does not cover the length connects the two boards. Board 18 inches length cuts to nail 1 x 4 inches to each side of joint of single boards butted connection two ridges, and ????_???. Space each edge connects between the coverage of one truss trusses.


Add the marked between the trusses and other points. , And then set each one the Ridge Board to the vertically ridged substrates and wall caps. Fasten the CAP wall of Hurricane clips, trussed rafters metal brackets claws.


8-Inch strips to hold the deck sheet 1 x 2 inch wood vertically atop the claws of setting each truss Rafter ends. 4 An eight-foot deck panels, braces and on the edge of Flash horizontal panel truss sides and roof laying of oriented strand board ( installs the OSB. Place to provide traction during the work on the Office Shortcut bar, rough side and a roof. Using length of roof installation panel at the bottom and seams, placed, does not cover the roof peak initiates a half panel Panel of the second row. 1-2 Remove the curly braces.


On both sides of the roof flashing in the bottom along metal drip edges claws; run, drip edge locations in roof cement beads at the end of the office shortcut bar settings and all 18 inch roof nail was securely. Waterproof paper Strip was lying horizontally on the OSB. The secure construction stapler. Duplicate 6 inches from the seams on. Cut strip width of 12 inches, staple, peak to peak both sides doubled it. Add a drip flashing edge paper along the edge of the gable.


Cut the tab enough 3-tab shingles to cover the bottom of the utility knife, metal straight edges or large shears, roof. Layers of shingles down upside down nail, edge, factory edge little roof decks over under and cuts to the same height. In the first tab to start a second line does not yet have one gravel gravel seams cut. Alternative Herpes Zoster peaked roof. Cut fit shingles on the peak.


Cap shingles, install the peak from the current wind direction. If not capped tab provided rectangles cut shingles (features tab off cut use ). Peak over the cut pieces to hide and nails on both ends. Duplicate a CAP because it is covered in nails: plate. Seal a roof cement nails end cap.

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